Students in Emory University’s civil rights cold cases course conducted primary source research in the archives and via Freedom of Information Act requests for government documents, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation file on James Brazier’s death found below. These documents represent a sample of those used by students in the course.
[mla_gallery post_mime_type=”application/pdf” link=file attachment_category=”civilrights_commission” order=”meta_value_num” columns = 2]
Hattie Brazier v. W. B. Cherry, Randolph McDonald, Zachary T. Matthews [sic], et al., C.A. 475, M.D. Ga. The National Archives at Atlanta.
[mla_gallery post_mime_type=”application/pdf” link=file attachment_category=”brazier_v_cherry” order=”meta_value_num” columns = 2]
“Civil Rights Cold Cases: ‘We Are Writing to Inform You…'” The New York Times, March 16, 2013
Copies of letters the United States Department of Justice sent to families of civil rights cold victims after the cases were reopened in 2003.